About us

Executive Members


Scott Chetwynd — President (On leave)
Tony Hall —  Vice President (Acting President)
Mark Voisin — Secretary Treasurer
Brandon Gilfoy — VP West
Darcy Connors — VP East
Nimrod Mathias — VP Central
Bill Makrocki — Sergeant At Arms
Claire Bohdan — Recording Secretary
Brandon Gilfoy  — Communications Officer





The Following are committees of The Halifax Civic Workers’ Union:

Grievance Committees

Ways and Means Committee

Education Committee

Communication Committee

Contracting In/Out Committee

Women’s Committee

Benefits Committee

Shop Stewards Committee

What we do

Unit #1 Halifax Civic Workers

Unit #1 Halifax Civic Workers are outside Workers Employed by Halifax Regional Municipality.

There are over 300 members in this Unit which include; Labourers, Facility Maintainers, Gardeners, Utility Workers, Storepersons, Traffic Sign & Marking Technicians, Painters, Plant Operators including Arena, Rink, Pool and Engine Room Operators, Chief Plant Operators, Building Trades Persons, and Fleet Trades Persons.

People depend on public services; services depend on people to deliver them.

City workers touch every part of life: they fix roads, provide emergency care, test drinking water, connect us with library resources, run ice rinks, work at daycares, lead community workshops, and much more. We’re facing tough economic times, and that’s when we need affordable, reliable public services most


Unit #6 Lifeguards Employed By The Nova Scotia Lifeguard Service


Unit #6 Lifeguards employed by the Nova Scotia Lifeguard Service.

They are responsible for lifeguard duties at 14 provincial park beaches in Nova Scotia and supervise 8 other beach sites through municipal contracts.

They have been keeping Nova Scotia’s beaches safe since 1973 and take pride in their record of “no drownings” during supervised hours.

The lifeguarding season runs from the end of June to the end of August.

Web Site Link: The Nova Scotia Lifeguard Service (NSLS)