
Collective agreement

Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work.  If you have any questions about your treatment, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.


Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.


Medavie/Blue Cross Is The Benefits Provider For CUPE Local 108 Unit #1


Web Site Link:     BLUE CROSS

Medavie Blue Cross is introducing new, optional benefits coverage for employees. To be eligible for this limited time offer, employees must be permanent full-time or permanent part-time and an existing member of Medavie Blue Cross – Please see the links below for more information. 

CARD-016 MBC ProtectionPlus Benefit – Plan Member Postcard EN_v07

HRM FAQ – Protection Plus_Final

POST-171 MBC ProtectionPlus Benefits-Plan Member Poster EN_v04


For information on existing benefits, employees can visit Employee Central or contact MyHR ( / 902.490.6145)

Employee and Family Assistance Program

Professional Counselling service is available off-site on a 24 hour basis for all Local 108 Members and their Families. The service is provided by Human Solutions (HRM).

For Counselling and Worklife Services Please Call: (902) 466-EFAP (3327) or 1-800-663-1142 for Unit #1.   Online contact can also be made with Human Solutions by visiting

All calls are confidential.

Unit #1 members with questions may also call Dwayne Tattrie who is a member of the EFAP Committee for Unit #1. He would be happy to assist members and their families with regard to employee assistance matters. His number is: (902) 488-5457


Full-time CUPE 108 members are enrolled in the HRM Pension Plan.  For more information on your plan, forms, and a retirement calculator, visit the HRM pension plan website.  If you have questions or concerns about your pension, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.

*HRM Pension plan information session* 

Check back for more details 

HRM Training

Applications must be submitted on the Expression of Interest form for training. The completed forms should be submitted directly to Michelle Kelly, 11 Turner Drive via inter-office mail, faxed to Michelle Kelly at 902-490-6042 (all numbers have to be dialed). Completed forms can also be sent to

Winter works reserve list application form

Reserve List EOI


Current Training Opportunities – 

Atlantic Region CLC/NBFL